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How do I get on the Commissioner's Agenda?
The Kosciusko County Auditor, Rhonda Helser, is the Secretary for the Commissioners. Please contact her by the Friday before the Tuesday meeting you would like to be scheduled. You may contact the Auditor at 1-574-372-2328 or at [email protected]. Agenda's are also located on the Commissioner's page under Agendas and Minutes.
How do I access the Commissioner's Minutes?
The Commissioner's minutes are listed under Agendas and Minutes. The minutes are posted to the website only after they have been approved by the Commissioners.
When are the Commissioner's Meetings?
The Commissioners meet every other Tuesday at 9 AM in the Old Courthouse, Third Floor, Old Courtroom. Meeting Dates are listed under the EVENTS section of our website.
What is needed for a permit?
Depending on what you are attempting to do you may need a hearing prior to obtaining a permit however the general requirements may be seen by looking at the zoning ordinance on the materials page. The type of project will also dictate what additional information you will need. Location of the proposed project and also make a difference. In order to assist you efficiently we will need a detail of your project and and exact location.
What are the required setbacks for my property?
In order for our office to efficiently answer this question, we will need to know the location of the property. This may be accomplished by providing our office with either a property address, property owners name or a property key number. This will enable us to find the property and determine what the zoning is and if there are any special circumstances for that property. If you wish to see general setbacks you may find them within the Kosciusko County Zoning Ordinance. You should be aware though that zoning and use are not always the same. In order to find out the zoning classification of your property, you should contact our office.
Can I divide or split my property?
Remaining property divisions depend on each individual tract of ground and the history of that specific tract. In order to find out you should contact the Area Plan Commission office with the key number of the property in order to complete a property research form or you may submit a request online. There are however, some basic rules and definitions that my be found in the County Subdivision Control Ordinance. These may help you understand what constitutes a subdivision.
What is needed for a Variance or Exception?
You will need to provide the following when petitioning for either a Variance or Exception; 1.) Legal Description of Property in Question including property address. This may be in the form of property deed, legal survey, or other legal description. 2.) Site Plan indicating exactly where new construction is going to be on the property, the size of the additions or buildings, and all other structures on the property. 3.) Property owners name & mailing address if different from the petitioner. 4.) Description of what you wish to petition for. 5.) Filing Fee ($150.00 per hearing). If the filing fee is being paid for by check it should be made out to the Kosciusko County Treasurers Office.
What is the jurisdiction of the A.P.C.?
The Area Plan Commission is a countywide office. However, there are some towns and cities that choose not to participate with our program. Those cities and towns that do not participate with us may or may not have their own form of a planning/building department. Other then the unincorporated areas of the county those towns that DO participate with the Kosciusko County Area Plan Commission are Claypool, Syracuse, Pierceton, Silver Lake, Milford, Etna Green, Burket, and North Webster.
When is the next hearing or filing deadline for Board of Zoning Appeals or Planning?
All of our hearing dates and deadlines are listed on our events page.
What is the flood program, how do I find out if I'm in a flood plain, and what do I do if I am in a flood plain?
Kosciusko County Participates in the Nation Flood Insurance Program in order to make flood insurance available to all those in the community. For more information please see our flood page.
Do I need a permit to put up a fence?
If the property where the fence is intended to go is within a special flood hazard area then it does require a flood development permit. If the property is not within a flood zone then under the Kosciusko County Zoning Ordinance a permit is not required for fences, however, there are restrictions for fencing which may be found under sections 3.11.7, 3.11.8, & 3.1.9 of the Kosciusko County Zoning Ordinance.
How & where do I find property deductions?
The State of Indiana offers various deductions to assist business's and homeowner's. The deductions can be found on the Auditor's page under Deductions and Exemptions or at www.in.gov/dlgf forms. You can file for deductions online at https://permitting.schneidergis.com/jurisdiction/052d21f9-493d-4a55-aa4a-259a87e3fd1a or you can also visit the County Auditor's office to file the deductions. The office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
What are the fees due the Auditor's Office for filing a deed in Kosciusko County?
The Kosciusko County Council adopted an ordinance establishing a $10 transfer fee for all documents presented to the Auditor that convey title. If the transaction is a non exempt transaction, there is an additional fee of $20 for the filing of the Sales Disclosure per state statue. If the transaction is exempt, there is no charge for the filing of the Sales Disclosure per state statute.
Non Profit Exemptions: Where do I file a Non Profit Exemption?
Non profit exemptions are filed in the County Assessor's Office.
Where can I find Abatement forms?
Abatement forms can be printed from the state website. Forms can be found at www.in.gov/DLGF forms.
How many paid holidays does a full-time employee receive?
Full Time employees receive 12 (during an election year) or 10 (during a non-election year) paid holidays a year and 2 floating holidays.
What is the personal leave policy?
A full time employee accrues personal time at the rate of 1/2 a day per month beginning in the 7th month of employment. An employee can accumulate up to a total of 75 or 80 hours, depending on the department. Any additional hours go into a medical leave bank.
What retirement program does the county use?
The county retirement policy is Public Employees Retirement Fund (PERF). A full time employee contributes 3% through payroll deduction and the County pays the remaining balance due to meet State statutory requirements. Sheriff merit employees are covered under the Sheriff's Merit Employee Retirement Plan.
What is the medical insurance policy?
A full time employee is eligible to enroll for a single or family coverage medical insurance plan after waiting a period of 60 days with benefits beginning on the first of the following month. Employees contribute 20% and the County contributes 80% to the monthly premium.
Is life insurance available?
Is there a disability plan?
There is a short-term disability policy attached to the medical coverage policy.
What is Shelter-In-Place?
In the event of a chemical release or spill causing immediate danger to our community, you will be notified to Shelter-In-Place. 1. Go inside. Stay Inside. 2. Close windows & doors. 3. Turn off Heater / AC. 4. Listen to TV / Radio.
What should I put in an emergency safety kit?
You should consider the items below: Towel First Aid Kit Plastic Trash Bags County Map Non-Perishable Snacks Small Container of Water Eyeglasses & Hearing Aid Prescription Drugs Wide Tape Flash Light Small Radio with Extra Batteries
LEPC Meetings What, When, Where, Who?
Listening and responding to the public's concern about hazardous materials and providing accurate information to the citizens of Kosciusko County are important roles of the Local Emergency Planning Committee. We invite you to participate in our meetings and learn more about the LEPC. The LEPC is the vital link between industry and the community when developing readiness and responding to chemical emergencies. Knowing what to do when a chemical emergency occurs can mean the difference between life and death. Each meeting is graciously open to the general public. The Kosciusko County LEPC meets on the second Thursday of February, May, August, and November at 3:00 pm in the Kosciusko County Justice Building, 121 North Lake Street, Warsaw Indiana 46580. Should you need further information about the LEPC, call Kosciusko County Emergency Management at 574-371-2603.
Where do I pay fines and court costs?
Fines and court costs are paid at the Clerk's Office. Please have your case number ready.
When and where do I pay my probation user fees?
Probation user fees are paid at the Probation Department. Please try and pay these fees at each visit or by credit card via phone.
How do I reschedule my appointment?
Please contact the Probation Department and speak with your Probation Officer directly to reschedule your appointment.
What are the probation department hours?
The office hours are Monday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Tuesday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
How do I find out who owns a specific property?
The most up to date property ownerships and transfers are maintained in the County Auditors office.
What is required to record a document?
Recording Requirements
• Recording requirements IC 36-2-11-10
• Fee schedule IC 36-2-7-10
• Bulk copies IC 36-2-7-10.1
• Copies/fees IC 36-2-7-10
• Cross reference IC 36-2-7-10(l)
• Easements IC 32-23-2-5
• Grantee’s address IC 32-21-2-3
• Lien/release IC 32-28
• Mechanic’s lien IC 32-28-3-3
• Mechanic’s lien release IC 32-28-6
• Mortgage release IC 32-29-5
• Notary requirements IC 36-2-11-16(c)(3)
• Notary printed name IC 33-42-2-9
• Power of Attorney IC 30-5-3-3
• Sewer lien IC 36-9-23
• Social Security Affirmation IC 36-2-11-15
How do I change my mailing address for my tax bill?
Please contact the County Auditor at 574-372-2316 or fill out a mailing address change request on the Auditor's page.
How do I find out about Veteran Discharges?
The Veteran's Service Office handles all Veteran Affairs, and can be contacted at 574-372-2436. Recorded discharges are now confidential. Copies may be obtained in the Recorder's Office with picture identification.
Do I need a license for my small business?
Please visit in.gov and click on the business section for answers to questions on starting a business.
How do I access the property information on the website?
Visit the county site at kcgov.com. Then choose the quick link titled 'Beacon Online Mapping'. The website will offer several ways to search on a property in Kosciusko County. Once a property has been selected, several different tabs of information will be available for you to view.
How can I see if my taxes are paid?
Visit beacon.schneidercorp.com and select Kosciusko County. If you have real estate parcels, select "Property Search". If you have personal property or mobile home parcels, select "Personal Property/Mobile Homes". You can enter a name, address or parcel number to call up the property information. The payments displayed may be a few days behind real time of tax payments especially at tax collection time. If you have questions concerning the information displayed, please contact [email protected] or 1-574-372-2370.
I just realized I did not pay my taxes. What will my penalty be?
If you have no prior delinquencies on your property, a 5% penalty is added if taxes are not paid by the due date. If the taxes are not paid within 31 days of the due date, an additional 5% penalty is added. If there are prior delinquencies on the property and the taxes are not paid by the due date, a 10% penalty will be added.
Do I need to send the whole statement if I am paying the first installment only?
Yes, send the whole statement and we will validate the Taxpayer's copy for your receipt. Be sure to send a self-addressed stamped envelope if you require a receipt. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact the Kosciusko County Treasurer's Office at 574-372-2370.
Can I make a partial payment towards my property taxes?
Partial payments towards property taxes are accepted as a general rule. The exception is when a parcel is included in the tax sale or if the tax is a judgment.
Why did my property taxes increase/decrease this year?
There are three things to look at if your property taxes changed: the assessment, tax rate and deductions. Assessment questions should be directed to the Assessor's office at 574-372-2310. Tax rate and deduction questions should be directed to the Auditor's office at 574-372-2323.
How many tax bills will I receive each year?
Kosciusko County sends one statement for the year which includes both Spring & Fall installments. If you have questions concerning your tax bill please contact the Kosciusko County Treasurer's Office at 1-574-372-2370.
I never received my tax statements. What do I do now?
You can come into the office for a reprint bill or you can call the Treasurer's Office at 574-372-2370 and request a tax bill. We can send it via email or you can be given the amount that is due and a parcel number to include on your check to insure the payment is posted to the correct parcel. Payments must be postmarked by the due date. When making a tax payment, if you include a self-addressed stamped envelope, a receipt will be mailed back to you.
I see a penalty on this years statement and I know I paid on time. What can I do?
If there is a penalty on your tax bill, it is an indication that either the payment was not made or your payment was received late by the Treasurer's Office. If your payment was received late you will see a line on your tax bill that says Less Spring Payment. The amount you paid should appear there. The office is required to go by the US postmark . If you have further questions, please feel free to contact the Kosciusko County Treasurer's Office at 1-574-372-2370.
What are the payment options for taxes?
Payments may be made at any Lake City Bank branch 2 weeks prior to their due date if there are no delinquencies and you have the original tax bill. Lake City Bank will accept your payment even if you are not a customer of that bank. Please bring the entire statement to the Treasurer's Office where you may pay by check, cash or credit card. Tax payments may be mailed to Kosciusko County Treasurer, PO Box 1764, Warsaw, IN. 46581. Your cancelled check will be your receipt. If you require a receipt please mail the entire statement for a receipt to be validated with a self-addressed stamped envelope. You can pay your taxes by credit card or eCheck by going to https://lowtaxinfo.com/kosciuskocounty. There is a convenience fee of 2.50% for credit/debit cards and a $.95 fee for eChecks. You can also call 1-574-652-5830. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact the Kosciusko County Treasurer's Office at 1-574-372-2370.
I received a tax bill for a mobile home I no longer own. Do I have to pay the bill?
If you owned the mobile home on January 1st of the current year, you are responsible for the taxes that are due. Your tax bill may be for prior years taxes that were unpaid. Failure to pay the taxes will result in a demand notice being issued. Failure to pay the taxes after the demand notice is issued will result in the taxes being certified to the Clerk of the Courts. If you questions about the payment of your tax bill, please contact the Kosciusko County Treasurer's Office at 574-372-2370. If you have questions concerning the assessment, please contact the County Assessor at 574-372-2310.
I received a personal property tax bill for property I no longer own. Do I have to pay the bill?
If you were the owner of the property on January 1 of the prior year and filed the personal property return or if the assessor made an assessment in your name because you failed to file the personal property assessment, you are responsible for the taxes. Your tax bill may be for prior year taxes that were not paid. Failure to pay the taxes that are due will result in a demand notice being issued. If taxes are not paid following the demand notice being issued, the taxes will be certified to the Clerk of the Courts and will be turned over to a collection agency.
Do non profit or governmental tax exempt properties have to pay a drainage bill?
The answer is Yes. Often owners of tax exempt real estate ignore bills which are received as a result of drainage assessments. Drainage assessments must be paid by all landowners, even if the owner is exempt from real property taxes. While the drainage assessments are listed on the same form as tax bills, they are not "taxes" as the term is normally understood. Drainage assessments in the State of Indiana are imposed by the County Drainage Board Pursuant to Indiana Code 36-9-27-86. Those assessments are user charges for the maintenance, and/or reconstruction of regulated drains which directly or indirectly serve a parcel of real estate. Those drains could be either subsurface pipes or open ditches. The assessments were imposed after notice of a public hearing was served on the owners of real estate within the drainage shed served by the regulated drain, as required by statute. The factors used in determining the benefits to each parcel of land are set out in Indiana Code 36-9-27-112. Drainage assessments are substantially similar to any other public utility user fee such as electric bills, water bills, sewage bills, and gas bills. They are user fees to pay the costs of construction and maintenance of ditches and tiles to provide for drainage and/or detention of stormwater. The only difference between drainage fees and other user fees are the means of collection. Under Indiana Code 36-9-27-86, drainage fees are collected semi-annually in the same manner as taxes. Therefore, unpaid drainage assessments become a first lien against the property, superior to all other liens including mortgages. Unpaid assessments accrue a 5% penalty after the due date if there are no other delinquencies and an additional 5% 30 days after the due date. If there are delinquent property taxes on the parcel on the due date, the penalty is 10% immediately following the due date. Drainage assessments can be collected by selling the real estate at the county tax sale. Therefore, all entities that receive bills for drainage assessment must pay those bills. If you have questions concerning a drainage amount on your tax bill, please contact the Kosciusko County Surveyor's Office at 1-574-372-2366.
Why does my tax bill say there is a sewer lien?
Failure to pay sewer charges to municipal governments are required to be certified to the County Auditor for placement on the property tax bill. The amounts that are included on the tax bill must be paid to county government instead of to the local municipality. If you have questions reference sewer liens, please contact the Auditor's Office at 574-372-2323.
How do I claim a refund if I overpaid my taxes?
Surplus can be claimed up to three years after the overpayment by providing copies of tax receipts, cancelled checks, bank statements or escrow detail from your mortgage company. Copies can be mailed to: Kosciusko County Treasurer's Office at 100 W Center Street RM 215, Warsaw, IN 46580. When the proper receipts are received, a claim form will be completed and sent to the Kosciusko County Auditor for payment processing. The process takes approximately six weeks. Please feel free to call the Kosciusko County Treasurer's Office with questions concerning the repayment of surplus at 574-372-2370.
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